"'O LORD, God of my master,' he prayed. 'Give me success and show kindness to my master, Abraham. Help me to accomplish the purpose of my journey.'" Genesis 24:12

Monday, February 18, 2013

A Change of Scenery

We titled our blogspot with the word "Adventure" and never would have dreamed what adventures were before us.  As many of you know we have moved to Virginia and we are beginning a new life together, or should I say a changed life. I would not necessarily use the word, "Adventure" anymore speaking about the path we are on in this journey called "life."  Some days I would call it a nightmare, some days I would call it a dream, and some days I would call it a mis-adventure; but in and through it all we have placed our trust and faith in the God we serve and we will call it the path God has chosen to carry us through to accomplish His will in our lives.

We continue to wait on some answers from God concerning our future.  Please pray for us as we make decisions and wait on God!  We are purchasing a small house here in Virginia at this time while we wait for answers to our prayers.  We are together and at this time that is what counts the most.  We both have jobs and Robyn is making our house a home very quickly.  We are enjoying the fact that we do not have to go very far to work, stores and entertainment.

All in all, our life has been an "Adventure" from the time we were married and throughout raising our children and will most likely continue to be and "Adventure" until we reach our heavenly home and then we will have eternal "Adventures."

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Today it is cold outside which is a contrast to the hot summer we had this year. In Ohio we enjoy the seasons, at least some Ohioans do because some who are called "snow birds" leave the state during the winter, so I guess some Ohioans don't enjoy the Ohio winters. We go through seasons in our lives. Seasons when everything is going in a good direction and seasons when it seems like every day is a storm. In all those seasons of life we know that God will be with us and carry us through all that the season brings. I guess it all depends on our outlook on life how we perceive the seasons. We say that winter is too "cold" but then we can see the beauty of a new fallen snow as the morning sun shines. We many look at fall and say, "look at all those leaves I need to rake," but we can say, 
"look at all the beautiful colors God has provided." In the summer we complain that it is too "hot" but we can be thankful that we can be outside in our gardens or thankful for a time to enjoy a picnic with the family. In the springtime we may think of all the spring cleaning that needs to be done or we can enjoy the freshness of God's creation. I guess it is all in perspective! Is the glass half full or half empty. There are seasons in our lives when it seems that everything is falling apart but may we this day look at things a new and different way and realize God is there, he is providing, and in His timing we will see things differently as we look back and see what God has done.

Saturday, September 22, 2012



If you have ever traveled I-80 through Nebraska or I-70 through Kansas you know that is seems as if you are never going to see anything but fields of crops and you will never reach the beauty of the Rocky Mountains in Colorado.  You have to realize that you must travel one mile at a time and be thankful for each mile that has been traveled because you know that each mile you travel will sooner or later get you to the beauty of the Mountains.

That is what we have learned since October 7, 2011 when our daughter Justina went home to be with her Lord.  We have learned to live one day at a time and with each day that passes we are thankful to God for the strength, direction and faithfulness of our God that carried us   through another day. 

We have emotional scars we must carry each day, but each day they heal a bit more. We learn to lean on our Savior Jesus Christ a little more each day and we are growing spiritually stronger each day.  We need to continue to go through this healing process and listen to God to tell us the next steps we are to take in ministry.  When we are emotionally and spiritually healed and prepared to move forward with a Cadence International ministry God will let us know in His time.


The Monday before Justina’s accident I finally showed her how to check the oil in her car after her asking me to show her many times.  After I explained in detail how to check the oil, I hugged her and said, “I love you” before she took off for her week of school.

 I have often thought about where my spiritual level is.  I ask myself, “How much more can I take?”   “When will all this pain disappear?”  Have you ever thought about how you would make it through a tragedy like losing a child?  Check your oil; check your spiritual level.

Keep reading your Bible and keep fellowshipping with other believers and keep the prayer line open because you never know when you will need to draw from the well of faithfulness, grace, mercy and strength of our God.


Pray for emotional and spiritual healing.
Pray for guidance in making ministry decisions.
Pray for financial and prayer partners to join us in ministry.

Go the extra mile. It's never crowded.  Author Unknown
What saves a man is to take a step. Then another step.  C.S. Lewis

If you would like to partner with us and help us reach out to the military community, you can do so by going to: www.cadence.org/donate or send your donation to : Cadence International, PO Box 1268, Englewood, CO.  80150

Please include our account number, 10776, in the check memo. Please do not write our name on the check.


Friday, February 17, 2012


 It has been amazing to watch how God has brought many together to provide for the sharing of the gospel to our military.  As we continue to see donations come in we find that we do not even know many of the people who are providing   funding so that the Gospel of Jesus Christ can be taught and caught.  We can only be eternally thankful for every donation because we know that it will give an opportunity for many souls to come into the Kingdom of God.  We want you to know that this is what it is all about, sharing the love and message of Christ to men and women who need to know the peace of God in their hearts.  So, from the bottom of our hearts Thank You for your contributions.

WHAT IS YOUR 2012 RESOLUTION?  Every year it is the same old same old. Everyone makes the same old “New Years Resolutions” which they know within the first month of the New Year they will forget what they promised and set aside any resolutions they made.
Do we as Christians make promises to God for the New Year and within the first month forget what we promised?
 Oh, by the way, it has been a month, so have you forgot your resolutions already? Are you living up to them?  Have you forgotten what you promised God for the year 2012?
We really shouldn’t have to be concerned about making promises to God we should have a desire to grow deeper and deeper in love with Him each day of our lives.  Each day we live on this earth is one day closer to eternity and we should be concerned about being prepared to meet Him when He calls us home.

That is what Robyn and I are called to do, making sure young men and women in our military are prepared to meet the Lord when He calls them home.
Are you willing to sacrifice in 2012 to make sure souls are ready to meet Jesus?

The important thing is this: to be ready at any moment to sacrifice what you are for what you could become.
- Charles Dickens
1.     Pray for strength to move forward after a difficult end to 2011.
2.     Pray for guidance in making decisions for 2012.
3.     Pray for financial and prayer partners to join us in ministry.