"'O LORD, God of my master,' he prayed. 'Give me success and show kindness to my master, Abraham. Help me to accomplish the purpose of my journey.'" Genesis 24:12

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Today it is cold outside which is a contrast to the hot summer we had this year. In Ohio we enjoy the seasons, at least some Ohioans do because some who are called "snow birds" leave the state during the winter, so I guess some Ohioans don't enjoy the Ohio winters. We go through seasons in our lives. Seasons when everything is going in a good direction and seasons when it seems like every day is a storm. In all those seasons of life we know that God will be with us and carry us through all that the season brings. I guess it all depends on our outlook on life how we perceive the seasons. We say that winter is too "cold" but then we can see the beauty of a new fallen snow as the morning sun shines. We many look at fall and say, "look at all those leaves I need to rake," but we can say, 
"look at all the beautiful colors God has provided." In the summer we complain that it is too "hot" but we can be thankful that we can be outside in our gardens or thankful for a time to enjoy a picnic with the family. In the springtime we may think of all the spring cleaning that needs to be done or we can enjoy the freshness of God's creation. I guess it is all in perspective! Is the glass half full or half empty. There are seasons in our lives when it seems that everything is falling apart but may we this day look at things a new and different way and realize God is there, he is providing, and in His timing we will see things differently as we look back and see what God has done.